Gorky Park - Stare

Stare Gorky Park
Песню Gorky Park - Stare вы можете прослушать прямо сейчас, а потом её скачать с большой скоростью. Так же с на этой странице можно оценить эту песню, выразить своё мнение в комментариях и проголосовать за неё

Название mp3: Stare

Исполнитель: Gorky Park

Добавлен: 2015-07-22

Просмотрен: 366

Длительность: 04:58


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Текст песни:

Arm me with a mirror
Throw me in a dungeon
Going for medusa
Feeling like a champion
Shake in my heart
With every step I near you
Over the ones
That never knew the end was you
Saw you in a picture
Looking like a goddness
Now I know the reason
You're hiding in the darkness
Closing your eyes
You never saw it coming
Now you're awake
And no one likes you knowing
Stare... Stare...
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together
See you in the mirror
Slither in a leather
Suddenly I fear you
Sword is like a feather

Closing my eyes
I hear your voice beside me
I Swallow the lies
And maybe I can make it
Stare... Stare...
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together
There demise
In your eyes
Fell the lies
Stare them away
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together
Stare them away you always stare them away
Say we can do it together

Клип Gorky Park - Stare

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