Alan Price - O Lucky Man!

O Lucky Man! Alan Price
Песню Alan Price - O Lucky Man! вы можете прослушать прямо сейчас, а потом её скачать с большой скоростью. Так же с на этой странице можно оценить эту песню, выразить своё мнение в комментариях и проголосовать за неё

Название mp3: O Lucky Man!

Исполнитель: Alan Price

Добавлен: 2017-02-25

Просмотрен: 415

Длительность: 02:17


Другая музыка исполнителя Alan Price
Текст песни:

If you have a friend on whom you think
you can rely - You are a lucky man!
If you've found the reason to live on and
not to die - You are a lucky man!
Preachers and poets and scholars don't know it,
Temples and statues and steeples won't show it,
If you've got the secret just try not to blow
it - Stay a lucky man!
If you've found the meaning of the truth
in this old world- You are a lucky man!
If knowledge hangs around your neck like
pearls instead of chains - You are a lucky man!
Takers and fakers and talkers won't tell you.
Teachers and preachers will just buy and sell you.
When no one can tempt you with heaven or hell-
You'll be a lucky man!

Клип Alan Price - O Lucky Man!

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